Science 4 All – Fossil Hunt

Amidst excavations, casts and extraordinary fossils, we will test our observation and investigation skills, trying to understand what our planet was like in the distant past and which animals and plants inhabited it. The activity is suitable for families with children aged 7-12.

Science 4 All – A jump into prehistory

A workshop to approach the fascinating world of prehistory in a playful way. A journey through time takes us to explore a distant (but not too distant!) past.  The activity is suitable for families with children aged 3-6.

Science 4 All – Be Sapiens: the tangled maze of human evolution!

Ancient fossil finds, casts of skulls, objects from lithic culture and more, introduce us to the fascination of scientific discovery. Let's reconstruct how the history of Homo sapiens and all their ancestors developed. For families with children from 4 years of age.

Science 4 All – A sea of shapes: a coral reef very close by!

The sea is full of wonders and some of them hide where we would not expect, such as the 'tegnùe', coral reefs that dot the sandy seabed of the Adriatic Sea off Chioggia: come and see and touch for yourself. The activity is suitable for families with children from 4 years of age.

Science 4 All – A sea of stories

Let’s sail together with the imagination into the magical world of the sea, a place of fantastic tales and extraordinary journeys, full of extravagant creatures and dark depths, surrounded by real fish in the Museum's Sea Room. For families with children aged 5 years and over.

CICAP Fest 2023 – Fossil Hunt

From October 13th to 15th, the CICAP Fest returns to Padua. The chosen theme of this year is "Let's pull our weight", following the path traced by Piero Angela. Alongside with Palazzo del Bo and the Botanical Garden, the Museum of Nature and Humankind is one of the venues of the University of Padua hosting the event, proposing on Saturday 14 October an educational activity for children and young people, the "Fossil Hunt".

The synergic role of science and archeology to unveil the human past

A study day in honor of Sandro Salvatori to investigate the excavations at Al-Khiday. It will be followed by an open public showing of the documentary that explores aspects of the life of the hunter-gatherer-fishermen who lived on the banks of the White Nile in the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene.

Discovering a diamond mine

Discovering a diamond mine and estimating its true value are two of the greatest challenges in the exploration of deposits. Graham Pearson, one of the world's best-known geochemists, addresses these issues in dialogue with Fabrizio Nestola, Geochemistry Fellow 2024.

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