by and with Claudia Bellemo

The sea is a magical world, a place of fantastic stories and extraordinary journeys, full of extravagant creatures and dark depths. Let us dive into this marine universe, and listen to some stories that will make us face the most important journey: the one inside ourselves. We will do so through the voices of princesses and princes, turned into sea monsters and held hostage by evil fairies; we will tell the story of the child who fell in love with the sea and was brought back by the sea; we will face risky journeys, even shipwrecks, we will disembark on remote islands where we will meet strange characters. To sum it up, it will be an adventure to sail together in the sea of imagination, surrounded by real fish in the Museum’s ‘Hall of the sea’.

 The activity is suitable for families with children aged 5 years and over and will take place in a single turn for 35 people:

  •  turn: 10 am – 11 am.

Participation is included in the 30 September special ticket (6 euros for adults, free for children and young people under 25).

The presence of an accompanying adult is required, who must be registered for the activity.

To take part, you need to book online using the link: