A study day in honor of Sandro Salvatori to investigate the excavations at Al-Khiday.

It will be followed by an open public showing of the documentary that explores aspects of the life of the hunter-gatherer-fishermen who lived on the banks of the White Nile in the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene.

The event will be conducted in English, and registration is required to participate by emailing lara.maritan@unipd.it.


10:30-11:00 Institutional greetings and presentation

Donatella Usai, Centre for Sudan and Sub-Saharan Studies

Alessandra Lazzari, ISMEO

Gilberto Artioli, University of Padua Fabrizio Nestola, CAM-University Centre for Museums, University of Padua


11:00-11:30 – Lara Maritan, University of Padua

Strontium isotope analysis for pottery provenance studies along the Nile: does it work?


11:30-12:00 – Gregorio Dal Sasso, CNR-IGG

The diagenetic history of the human remains at Al-Khiday


12:00-12:30 – Paola Iacumin, University of Parma

Isotopic study of Mesolithic remains of Pila wernei: reconstruction of climatic conditions and environment between 8700 and 7500 BP in Sudan


12:30 – 13:00 and 14:30 – Visit to the Museum of Nature and Humankind, “Deep Time” area and “The Al-Khiday Site” room


14:30-15:30 – Lunch Break


15:30-16:00 – Paolo Biagi, University of Venice

Shell middens along the coasts of Oman and Pakistan. Their location and chronology


16:00-16:30 – Massimo Vidale, University of Padua

Maybe I don’t even remember how much I learned from Sandro


16:30-17:00 – St. John Simpson, the British Museum

Looking east: case studies from Mesopotamia to Afghanistan on changing perceptions through archaeology and museum curation.


17:00-17:30 – Mariangela Ruta Serafini, Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape

In the Elysian Fields with Sandro


17:30-18:30 – Showing of the documentary

Fisher-hunter-gatherers: inhabitants of the White Nile in recent prehistory