The Geology and Paleontology collections comprise not only tens of thousands of fossils and rocks, but also osteological exhibits, reconstructions, photographs, geological models, ancient tools and more besides. A wealth of material, testament to a long Paduan tradition in the sciences of Paleontology and Geology carried on by scholars whose names are indelibly associated with these fields of study: Antonio Vallisneri, Tomaso Antonio Catullo, Achille De Zigno, Giovanni Omboni, Giorgio Dal Piaz, Ramiro Fabiani, Giambattista Dal Piaz…
Most of the finds are from the north-east of Italy, but the collection includes other items from well-known sites and locations abroad. Also preserved in the museum, importantly, are fossils and rocks collected from deposits now depleted, or no longer traceable or accessible: for researchers, these represent a resource of inestimable value.